Thursday, September 27, 2007

Now we have logically connected spirituality and a computer. This is significant in in itself as this will help us tremendously in further endeavours.

Let us get into more complex examples now. One of the assumptions that I am not verifying now is that I have a feeling that "a will" is a necessary part of a consiousness. That is consiousness should have a will. I am not pressing on this as I want to keep the definitions as genral as possible and I will come back to this when I feel if it is compulsory.

Now the biggest problem that we have now is how to identify a consiousness. How can we uniquely identify a consiousness, so that we can access it anywhere.

The task i want to execute is this. One consiousness will send a data . The other will recieve it.
There should be some way for us to c this happening. Consider that we are silent spectators to this event.
Suppose that i have a consiousness c.
consiousness c creates the following universe
Now in this universe c holds some data. a also hold some data. When the data in 'a' changes the data in c will also change.

This is not a very useful functionality as it does not help us much

Is there anyway in which we can talk with our spiritual self using a computer.

Our self is powerful and can make some physical alterations such as changing a bit value etc. If this is fine then its really great. Only problem is how to uniquely identify a bit.
What we should understand is that the bit that we are trying to modify with our self power is also a consiousness. So let us write a program and try it out.

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