Thursday, September 27, 2007

Now we have logically connected spirituality and a computer. This is significant in in itself as this will help us tremendously in further endeavours.

Let us get into more complex examples now. One of the assumptions that I am not verifying now is that I have a feeling that "a will" is a necessary part of a consiousness. That is consiousness should have a will. I am not pressing on this as I want to keep the definitions as genral as possible and I will come back to this when I feel if it is compulsory.

Now the biggest problem that we have now is how to identify a consiousness. How can we uniquely identify a consiousness, so that we can access it anywhere.

The task i want to execute is this. One consiousness will send a data . The other will recieve it.
There should be some way for us to c this happening. Consider that we are silent spectators to this event.
Suppose that i have a consiousness c.
consiousness c creates the following universe
Now in this universe c holds some data. a also hold some data. When the data in 'a' changes the data in c will also change.

This is not a very useful functionality as it does not help us much

Is there anyway in which we can talk with our spiritual self using a computer.

Our self is powerful and can make some physical alterations such as changing a bit value etc. If this is fine then its really great. Only problem is how to uniquely identify a bit.
What we should understand is that the bit that we are trying to modify with our self power is also a consiousness. So let us write a program and try it out.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ok your reasoning is interesting but what the hell is the use with it?

Read on

We have analysed spirituality to some extent. Now let us see what a computer is. So what is a computer. Computer is basically a ALU. That is all it can do. Do Mathematics.

What does a computer do. If you give two bits at the two ends of a alu it would give 1+0=1

Sounds similar. Computer is nothing but a maya.
Let me start first by trying to understand spirituality. What I am more interested in here is about consiousness. From my extensive reading of the books of vedic wisdom,talks of vivekananda and many others my idea about the consiousness is this. There is a consiousness within us. It is neither our body nor our mind. It is us. The proof for this is that even if we stop hearing from all our senses and also make our mind still we exists. It is that something that we call our soul. This consiousness is the same as that in everyone of us. This consiousness is the same one as the one that created the universe. This is why we tell that god is within us. So what is consiousness. Consiousness is all of this. Me, you , earth,sun ,universe,light and everything else.
Suppose i want to make a consiousness, what will it comprise.
1) It should have freedom. Like time. No one can stop it.
Freedom comes from the fact that it is the higest of kind at that place. Just imagine human consiousness. Why human consiousness is so supreme is because we actually are our creators. Humans,Animals or a natural catastrophe can kill and take away our body but we stay intact. Noone and nothing can touch us. This is one essential quality that consiousness pocess.
2) It should have a purpose. One purpose.
There will be a reason for the existence of that consiousness. The consiousness itself may be unaware of it. When that reason is satisfied the consiousness will cease to exist. Note that this does not conflict with the first one. This is because the consiousness can do anything regardless of its purpose.

Let me try to put things mathematically.

Suppose c is a consiousness
I tell that c is a consiousness. No one in this world can kill of destroy this c that i have created.
So it satisfies the first requirement. Now it needs a purpose.
now understand that two new consiousness have been created , namely a and b. The sum of a and b gives c. The purpose of c is to store the sum of a and b. All the three consiousness are self sufficient in themselves with respect to the two conditions.

Now we know the meaning of the a,b,c in the above expression. What we should give thought to is the other two operators in that expression = and + . These represents interaction between the consiousness in some way. Mind you that a,b and c are necesarily the same thing. But they are covering themselves in a veil of Maya and presenting themselves as c=a+b. Maya is a imaginary thing. Once you remove Maya you can see that there is no c=a+b, there is no c,a,b. But there is only one and just one consiousness.

Now this is a small universe.
So universe is a place where consiousness co-exists.
Computer is something that works on purely mathematical terms. It is rational. It is nothing but pure logic. Spirituality as I understand now is above reasoning. You cannot write a logical program to simulate a life. Spirituality cannot be measured. Science begins with measurement.

So to link both of these tasks you have 3 ways.
1) To bring Spirtuality to the terms of science -(It means we have to find something to measure it.)
2) To bring computer to the terms of spirituality - (It means in starting to consider computer as a consiousness like us and not a machine.)
3) Is to bring both to a median where we can integrate them.
I am a person who has a fascination to computers for a long time. Spirituality is something that i got introduced recently. I somehow get a feeling that we have done very little to connect these two. This blog is a diary of my efforts to connect both of them.

Can we get all my answers by scientific experiments. Maybe we can. But I am not willing to waste the time and effort for conduction experiments for finding answers that can be found by intuitive thinking. Ofcourse this is the old Indian way of thinking and I believe this is the way that would lead to the answers I am searching for. I am not against Modern western scientific thinking, and I do not say that it will not lead to the answers. It may in another 3000 years. Its a bit too slow for me.