Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How do humans think

I asked my roomate how he thinks remembers. He told me that he remembers something that happened to him when he is 2 years old. But when I asked him if he remembers what he read on internet yesterday he does not remember that. How is this possible. Why does our brain chooses to remember somethings and forget others. After a long discussion this is the conclusion we arrived at.

Our brain stores the impact something had on us. Bigger the impact more the chances of it being stored. I am not involved in the pshycological aspect of this. What interest me is that brain stores the impressions we leave upon it. Just like when we draw a line in sand, bigger the line longer it stays.

Next we discussed on how the information is retrieved from our brain.

to be continued

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why did life originate

It is definitely one of the most debated questions.

So what are the two most common opinions.

1) God created everything one fine morning.
2) The life started as single celled organisms in earth in its early stages and then evolved thereafter.

I certainly would like to not talk about the first option because then it does not need any further explanation. So let us try to anayze the second option of evolution.

The single celled organism that we study in our biology text is amoeba. An amoeba forming automatically from a primordial soup in earth is like a tornado assembling a Ferrari car from its parts. In fact mathematically speaking scientists considers this probability to be one in ten to the power 40000. Others consider it worse than that. If you have not seen a amoeba it looks like this.

Either there should have been another form of simpler life forms before anything like this originated. This points us the fundamental question of what is life. What are the conditions to call something alive. Are humans alive?. Is a car alive?. Is a computer alive?. Is a stone alive?. Is a single atom of hydrogen molecule alive?.

What are the common tasks that a living organism do?
1) Have a energy generating system to maintain all its components
2) Self replicate.
3) Throw away waste materials.
4) Is a collection of parts where each part has a defined role which is helpful in the survival of other parts.

If you observe it is a completely well organised smoothly working interdependent set of molecules.

Can life forming proteins and amino acids be created from prehistoric conditions in earth. This would be a good time to bring your attention to revolutionary Miller - Urey experiment. He showed that amino acids can be formed from a very simple set up of prehistoric conditions.

In an interview, Stanley Miller stated: "Just turning on the spark in a basic pre-biotic experiment will yield 11 out of 20 amino acids."